Benefits Of St. John Vacation Villa Rentals

Hotel guests often endure cramped rooms, crowded lobbies, and bills loaded with surcharges. That’s why seasoned travelers often rent private homes. So what are the benefits of vacation villa rentals and why is one Caribbean destination so popular?

Save Money on Meals

Eating out adds up. Sure you can load up at the breakfast buffet or stuff your mini fridge with sandwich fixings. It doesn’t matter what you do, chances are you’ll spend hundreds on random meals. Choosing a well-equipped house or condo like those at St John Villa Rentals means the chance to create your very own memorable experiences. Using your villa’s kitchen isn’t just about frugality. You may find your family coming together in ways they don’t at home. There are so many fun, fast, and tasty options for dining in your vacation rental. Plus when you do splurge for some local dining it will be far more meaningful. 

Shared Costs

Doubling up is easier in homes than hotels. Sharing a villa with another family means sharing the cost. This often means enjoying a week in a home like the ones at St John Villa Rentals will prove less expensive than a hotel. The communal space will also foster closeness you may not encounter in a hotel. Besides meals, your group can also enjoy outdoor activities and nightlife. 


Hotels might offer pools and hot tubs but the villa advantage is that you can enjoy a private pool and hot tub. Not sharing your water with strangers is an awesome bonus. Villas are often connected to resorts providing everything from hiking trails and golf courses to tennis courts and fitness centers. Shared pools at resorts tend to be larger than ones at hotels and offer everything from waterslide to swim up bars.

Keep Those Kids Content

Villas that are connected to resorts offer travelers long lists of diversions. Your children will enjoy a wider range of activities than they would find in a hotel. They may be able to take snorkeling classes or tennis lessons. Some resorts even have their own versions of day camp. Getting a break from the kids will help you reconnect with your partner. If you’re traveling with another family, the adults can enjoy their own adventures while their offspring are being safely entertained. 

For United States citizens who dream of travel to exotic islands, the U.S Virgin Islands offer the best of both worlds. Travel is as easy as a trip to New York City  –– which means you won’t need a passport or a visa. Yet you can still enjoy Caribbean breezes and hospitality–– especially by staying on the smallest and quaintest of the three islands at a St John Villa Rentals.